What an amazing day! I am in awe of those who raise sheep and spin, first of all. Secondly, I realized something very important today.... I am definitly a farmgirl and have found my niche on the farm. I have read and researched sheep to death. Everything that I find out about them only makes me ache for them more. So I went to the Sheepfest in Denmark, Maine today to find out more information and to see firsthand whether or not this is truly my path. YES! IT IS!
I got such an education today on all types of fiber, sheep, spinning wheels, carding, shearing, and skirting. It was a han

ds-on day and I got to do just about everything. The shearing was left to the "master shearer". After opening all of the senses to this day, I am convinced that I will achieve this and that I am not wishing too big. I took so many pictures, I will post a few here. The rest I will put on my flickr site, well, maybe not all. I don't want to overload the web. LOL
A nice surprise was that Bill Greene of "Bill Greene's Maine" was the

re with his cameraman recording all of the festivities. I think it only airs in Maine, maybe, but on Mother's Day it will be on. All of the people were wonderful and willing to share their knowledge. One spinner told me that "fiber artists love to corrupt another new spinner." She gave me a quick lesson and let me try my hand at fiber.

The ride over was breathtaking. I was about an hour away and enjoyed every moment. There are many small working farms on the west side of Maine. I had to stop and take a few pictures. I passed by many of the photo opportunities but I had to stop and get

some of a gorgeous barn, and the mountain view.
The running joke for the last few weeks with hubby has been ... no lambs in the car!!! LOL We do not have our barn ready yet, or the pasture, or feeding and so on. I agreed but it has been going on and on because he knows that I would try. Well, I did not bring home any lambs or sheep in my wagon....BUT I did acquire a chocolate satin angora rabbit!!!! This brought a story in of itself, quite an adventure, but I'm going to save it for the next blog.
Words really can not describe the feelings I've had today. If I have ever had any doubt at all as to where my future lies...it was solved today. And not just with sheep, although they were awesome. Being a farmgirl with an amazing hubby and all that the farm will bring has truly made my heart smile!