Life certainly has been very busy here on FourAcreFarm. Mostly due to finally being able to plant the garden. Hubby tilled, and planted and planted some more. Most of the 4500 square ft garden was planted over a few day span, just in time before the remnants of tropical storm Barry came in and tried to turn the garden into a swimming pool. In places it was quite swampy. Most all seems to have survived... 6 rows of navy beans may have been lost and as a precaution, Greg replanted them. Here is a list of what we planted... 5 types of beans- green, navy, pinto, kidney and shell; peas, onions, collard greens, swiss chard, cukes,2 types of squash-yellow and buttercup; rutabagas, potatoes, pole beans,corn, beets,carrots, sugar baby watermelons, and 88 tomato plants and 3 different peppers-green,chili and jalepeno.
We planted a herb garden and have a perennial flower bed planted. The flowers are very special to FourAcreFarm. My mother-in-law invited me to come get some of her perennials to start my flower bed. Some of these flowers came from her fathers flower garden when she first set up housekeeping...50 years ago. These include peonies and hardy mums. It is such a treasure to have some of Greg's grandfathers flowers. They all transplanted well and seem to be thriving.

There are wild irises all over the property. My first one bloomed today

The farm is beginning to turn green and lush all around. I am looking forward to our first tomatoes and all the yummy stuff to taste. Now to find time to just sit and watch it all grow...someday!
what fun! all of the flowers sound like they will be a real delight to watch growing. and oh, your irises are so pretty too. how nice. have a great weekend!
OK, so, how's your garden doing?
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